
Introduction to International Relations Volume II: Security in a globalizing world : Noah Y. McCormack and Patrick W. Strefford | BookWay書店


タイトル: Introduction to International Relations Volume II: Security in a globalizing world

著者: Noah Y. McCormack and Patrick W. Strefford  書店: BookWay書店 

カテゴリー: 法律・社会科学・心理・教育
ページ数: 154
サイズ: A5

特記: ※紙書籍の本文は全てモノクロです。




In part one of this textbook, we dealt with the basics of studying international relations. Our aim was to give you the tools with which to then begin studying the world around us.
We first looked at some analytical tools that can be used when studying international relations. The three levels of analysis can help us to understand the causes and effects of events and situations. Understanding how one event caused another event, or how one situation is connected with another situation is an important process of building knowledge. As in other fields of social sciences, we then looked at the problems related to perception. Understanding these problems will help us to overcome them.
As an understanding of history is always essential in any study of the world around us, we then looked at the development of the modern interstate system. We learnt that the modern state and the modern state system developed in conjunction with the economic system of capitalism.
Following on from this, we began our study of the theories of international relations. We began with a very brief overview of the evolution of international relations theory over time. We saw how different theories became dominant at different times, depending on the conditions of that time.
We then looked more deeply into each of the theories, beginning with the two once dominant theories of Realism and Liberalism, but also then Marxism and neo-Marxism, Constructivism and Feminism. These theories will provide you with frameworks through which to understand issues in international relations. Whilst we don't expect that any one theory can provide any one conclusive answer, we hope that these theories will provide different perspectives that will lead to a clearer understanding of issues in international relations. It is expected that students will use all the theories they have learned in part one to understand the issues we will look at in part two.
Following on from the theories of international relations, we then looked at the actors in international relations. We focused first on state actors, and looked at how different factors affect a state's foreign policy. We then looked at the increasing number of non-state actors in international relations.
Now, after reading part one, you are now well equipped to read part two. This part will deal with a number of crucial issues in international relations. These are issues that affect us. Many of them affect us directly, and many affect us only indirectly.


Noah McCormack, (B.A., M.A., Ph.D.) holds degrees in French (ANU), International Relations (Ritsumeikan), and modern Japanese history (ANU).

Patrick Strefford (B.A., M.A., D.Pol.) holds degrees in Geography (Hull), Asian Studies (Leeds), and International Politics (Kobe).

They both teach at Kyoto Sangyo University in Kyoto, Japan.