
International Relations: A Concise Introduction : Noah Y. McCormack and Patrick W. Strefford | BookWay書店


タイトル: International Relations: A Concise Introduction

著者: Noah Y. McCormack and Patrick W. Strefford  書店: BookWay書店 

カテゴリー: 法律・社会科学・心理・教育
ページ数: 162
サイズ: A5




This book offers a brief and easy to follow introduction to the academic study of international relations. It offers an overview of major theoretical frameworks, case studies with a focus on East Asian examples, as well as questions that can be used as discussion points, or writing tasks.


Noah McCormack, (B.A., M.A., Ph.D.) holds degrees in French (ANU), International Relations (Ritsumeikan), and modern Japanese history (ANU).

Patrick Strefford (B.A., M.A., D.Pol.) holds degrees in Geography (Hull), Asian Studies (Leeds), and International Politics (Kobe).

They both teach at Kyoto Sangyo University in Kyoto, Japan.