
TO AND FRO IN JAPAN : Peter Milward | BookWay書店 外国語版 Peter Milward Collection



著者: Peter Milward  書店: BookWay書店 外国語版 Peter Milward Collection 

カテゴリー: 旅行記・ガイドブック
ページ数: 54
サイズ: A5


電子書籍(880円)は BookWay コンテン堂店 でお買い求めください。




"To and Fro in Japan" presents various historic and scenic places in Japan, which the author has visited chiefly on the occasion of academic meetings of the Shakespeare Society of Japan. Only, it is not the academic meetings that he recalls, but the opportunity they offer for sight-seeing up and down Japan, whether before or after the main academic purpose has been fulfilled. The places are arranged not in chronological or geographical but in alphabetical order, from Akita, Fukuoka, Hiroshima and Kagoshima, by way of Kanazawa, Matsue, Matsuyama and Nagasaki, to Sapporo, Sendai, Tsuwano and Yamaguchi - so as to complete the number of 12. Together they constitute a hymn in praise of Japan.


Peter Milward was born in London on October 12, 1925, and educated at Wimbledon College (a Jesuit high school). He entered the Society of Jesus in 1943, and after various studies he went on to specialize in the Classics and English at Oxford University. He came to Japan in 1954 and after further studies was ordained priest in 1960. From 1962 onwards he has taught English literature at Sophia University in Tokyo. In addition to founding the Renaissance Institute, the Hopkins Society of Japan and the Chesterton Society of Japan, he has published some 400 books, mostly as textbooks for Japanese students, many of them translated into Japanese, but now most of them out of print. Several of his books, especially those on the drama of Shakespeare and the poetry of Hopkins, have been published in England and America. Even in retirement he is still teaching and writing, as he enters his 88th year (or beiju).



